To be confident in your financial decisions it helps to know what you are trying to achieve, where you are right now and to have spent time working through your alternatives, considering their pro’s and con’s.
Goals and Objectives
In our initial meeting and on an ongoing basis we seek to understand, challenge and record what your goals and objectives are across topics such as family, children’s education, travel, retirement, lifestyle, aged care for your parents, career and investment. With targets in mind we can design strategies that when implemented, will give you a greater chance of success.
Financial Diagnostic
This process of discovery brings to the fore any irregularities in your arrangements as well as opportunities to restructure your financial situation for the better.
Strategic Design
“Design is the application of intent – the opposite of happenstance and an antidote of accident” - Robert L. Peters
At Peritus we employ financial modelling software and proprietary diagnostic tools to aid the process of strategy design. With such a diverse client base, there are few times we come across a problem that we haven’t worked through before. That’s not to say we roll out templated solutions, to the contrary, every situation has its nuances.
We clearly understand the importance of giving you the information you need to make a decision and demonstrating a pathway to achieving your stated goals and aspirations.