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Peritus Private Wealth: Expert Advice & Solutions | Estate Planning and Administration
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Peritus Private Wealth
Estate Planning and Administration

What is Estate Planning?

In our view it is the timely transfer of assets and their control to the intended beneficiaries in such a way that it minimises the costs involved, maximises the current and future value of the assets received and insures against liabilities on the estate.

That said Estate Planning is not set and forget. As life changes so too do the contents of our estate.  For an estate plan to be effective it needs to be reviewed every couple of years, or when a significant event occurs (e.g., birth of a child, marriage, etc).

At Peritus we provide an integrated approach to our estate planning advice, typically working with an accountant and solicitor to develop the strategy and supporting documentation. We then implement some parts of the strategy before your death and some parts after (relying on the Will, Enduring Power of Attorney, Enduring Power of Guardianship, Trust Deed or Corporate Constitution to deliver on your wishes).

Whether through death or loss of capacity the need to trigger an estate election occurs, wouldn’t you sleep better at night knowing decisions have been made and the tools are in place to implement those decisions?