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Peritus Private Wealth: Expert Advice & Solutions | Minimising Tax Through Planning
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Peritus Private Wealth
Minimising Tax Through Planning

One critical component of investment performance is tax. The more tax you need to pay the less is your performance. The same can be said for your overall household income. The more tax you can forgo paying, the more money you have in your pocket. Pretty simple concept, but not always top of mind for people before they embark on an investment or business enterprise or receive an inheritance.

At Peritus we think of the future and plan for today. Our accounting relationships provide us with the most up to date tax minimisation strategies.

Strategies like:

  • contributing to super,
  • using a superannuation pension in retirement,
  • investing in fully franked shares negatively gearing an investment portfolio,
  • maximising your deductions,
  • deferring income and capital gains to low tax rate years,
  • shifting money to an entity that pays less tax, or
  • establishing a pension death benefit nomination on your pension asset.   

Our team work with you utilising simple and complex strategies to keep more money in your pocket compounding it into your future wealth.